INVASION is a short film made about the Unist’ot’en struggle against Coastal Gaslink, made in collaboration with Franklin Lopez and Sam Vinal, intended for community screenings.
Category: Video
Andrew Loku’s Inquest
Posted onShort documentary on the coroner’s inquest into Andrew Loku’s death, and the officer responsible for his homicide.
Algonquins of Barriere Lake Confront Copper One Shareholders
Posted onShort film on an Algonquin band councillor and a group of youth from Barriere Lake who traveled to the shareholder’s meeting of a company with a mining claim on unceded Algonquin territory.
Produced for Media Coop. Accompanying article by Shiri Pasternak
Black Pride
Posted onTwo short docs on Black Lives Matter Toronto’s direct actions around the Pride festival.
Short docs from BLMTO’s tent city
Posted onI produced a five-part series of short documentaries for Black Lives Matter Toronto as they occupied Toronto Police headquarters for two weeks. These videos were each shot and edited the same day the story unfolded.
Activists Disrupt the World’s Largest Mining Convention
Activists disrupted the world’s largest mining convention to hold a vigil for the people killed in opposition to Canadian mining projects around the world. The protest came four days after Bertha Cáceras, an Indigenous leader from Honduras, was assassinated in her home. This short video was produced for, an independent media channel run by Franklin Lopez.
AJ+: Unist’ot’en Camp Holding Their Ground Against Oil and Gas Pipelines
Posted onI spent several months filming this short documentary in Unist’ot’en territory as the RCMP and pipeline companies increased their presence in the area and attempted to force fracking infrastructure onto unceded Indigenous land. As of May 2016, this video has been viewed nearly 8 million times on Facebook. Edited by Franklin Lopez.