I produced a five-part series of short documentaries for Black Lives Matter Toronto as they occupied Toronto Police headquarters for two weeks. These videos were each shot and edited the same day the story unfolded.
BlackCity Chronicles 1: Police
On March 21st, BLM activists pitched tents at the Toronto Police headquarters and started an occupation to protest the police killings of Andrew Loku, Jermaine Carby, Alex Wettlaufer, Melkioro Gahungu, and others. Cops reacted to the peaceful protest by attacking the crowd on two separate occasions in order to extinguish their campfire, confiscate tents, and pour flame retardant chemicals over their firewood. Produced for Submedia, this is the unofficial first of a series.
BlackCity Chronicles 2: Black Faculty
Almost a hundred Black faculty members issued a statement of support for BLMTO tent city, holding a press conference to explain how Black activism benefits the whole of Canada.
BlackCity Chronicles 3: John Tory
Black Lives Matter activists call out Toronto Mayor John Tory for his silence over the death of Andrew Loku.
BlackCity Chronicles 4: Weathering the Storm
BLMTO organizer Coyote Watson talks about their experience sleeping in snow and freezing rain at BLMTO tent city to protest anti-Black racism in policing.
BlackCity Chronicles 5: Kathleen Wynne
Black Lives Matter Toronto leaves tent city in a procession to the Ontario legislature, where Kathleen Wynne agrees to a public meeting on institutional racism in policing.
Epilogue: #OccupyINAC
The story shifts as BLMTO accompanies Indigenous activists and settler allies to occupy the offices of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, protesting government inaction over the suicide crisis facing northern First Nations like Attawapiskat. This segment was used in a report by Democracy Now.