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On Feb 24, Gitxsan Hereditary Chiefs Spookw, Gwininitxw, and Dawamuux were arrested at a blockade on the CN rail tracks that run through unceded Spookw territory in the town of New Hazelton, British Columbia. 14 arrests were made in total, including journalist and filmmaker Melissa Cox who contributed footage to this video report.

IMG_9221March 30, 2016.

Every day Gary Wassaykeesic climbs onto this statue at Toronto Police headquarters, unfurls the Two Row Wampum, Haudenosaunee Confederacy, and Unity flags, and announces aloud “this is Iroquois land.” For the past ten days, through thunderstorms, freezing rain, and snow, Gary has camped with many others at Black Lives Matter Toronto’s tent city in solidarity with Black and allied Torontonians who demand consequences for police officers who continue to kill civilians with impunity.

Activists Disrupt the World’s Largest Mining Convention

Activists disrupted the world’s largest mining convention  to hold a vigil for the people killed in opposition to Canadian mining projects around the world. The protest came four days after Bertha Cáceras, an Indigenous leader from Honduras, was assassinated in her home. This short video was produced for Submedia.tv, an independent media channel run by Franklin Lopez.